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Notice of the Passing of a Development Charges By-law by The Town of Innisfil

Take Notice that Council of The Corporation of the Town of Innisfil passed Development Charge By-law No. 013-25 on the 12th day of February 2025, under Section 2 of the Development Charges Act, 1997 (the Act); and

Take Notice that any person or organization may appeal to the Ontario Land Tribunal under Section 14 of the Act, in respect of the Development Charges By-law, by filing with the Clerk of the Town of Innisfil on or before Monday, March 24th, 2025, a notice of appeal setting out the objection to the By-law and the reasons supporting the objection. Appeals filed with the Office of the Clerk at 2101 Innisfil Beach Road, Innisfil ON L9S 1A1, will be accepted on or before Monday, March 24th, 2025. A processing fee will be payable to the Town of Innisfil Clerk’s Office with the appeal application. The appellant is advised to contact the Ontario Land Tribunal (formerly the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal and Ontario Municipal Board) to access the required forms and applicable fees.

The charges in the aforementioned By-law will apply to all new residential, industrial and non-industrial development in the prescribed areas, subject to certain terms, conditions and limited exemptions as identified therein.  

The development charges were calculated on a Town-wide basis, applicable to development receiving Wastewater Treatment (Plant) servicing within the prescribed service areas in Schedule ‘C’ of the by-law (or see Map 1 below): Innisfil North, Friday Harbour, Innisfil South, Innisfil Central, and Cookstown. Town-wide development charges are levied against new development to pay for the increased capital costs related to the provision of municipal services. The development charges are related to the Lakeshore Water Pollution Control Plant (Stage III). 

Schedule 1 below provides the new residential and non-residential development charge rates applicable throughout the Town of Innisfil.  

The development charges imposed under the By-law will come into effect on the 13th day of February 2025. Copies of the complete Development Charges By-law are available for examination by appointment in the municipality offices located at 2101 Innisfil Beach Road, Innisfil ON, and on the website at   

For further information, please contact the Clerk’s Office at 705-436-3710. 

Dated at the Town of Innisfil, Monday, February 24, 2025

Patty Thoma
[email protected]
Town Clerk
Town of Innisfil
2101 Innisfil Beach Road, Innisfil ON L9S 1A1

Schedule 1 – Wastewater Treatment Service (Plant) Development Charges  

Note: IDAG stands for “Innisfil Developers Allocation Group” please refer to the approved DC By-law 013-25 for the rate applicable to different types of development throughout the Town. 

Map 1 – Areas Subject to Applicable Area-Specific Development Charges 

LockieDavis_DevelopmentChargeAreas (ID 330737)