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Where’s the excitement about the provincial election?
With so many people complaining that the Ford government has called this election based on events taking place in the United States with Donald Trump threatening to start a trade war, and even calling for Canada to become the 51st state, one would think that candidates from all political parties would be flooding social media, knocking on doors, and meeting with local organizations to say how they would fight what’s coming, and the other issues like lack of doctors, affordable housing, high energy and food costs, and so much more.
Yet in the riding of Barrie-Innisfil, I’ve only had the Progressive Conservative candidate show up at my door, and until recently, there was no Liberal candidate, and as of today, there’s still no Green candidate.
Have we as voters just given up? I for one really hope not as all elections have consequences, and you just have to look at the United States as a prime example.
So, it’s my hope that regardless of which political party or candidate you support, you exercise your right, and get out and vote.
Steven Fishman