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LETTER: Drivers need to re-learn rules of the road

Reader tired of people trying to pass on the left while he's pulling into his driveway
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I live on a semi-busy street in Bradford and turn into my driveway to park my car. One direction is fine, but when coming from the other direction and turning left into my driveway, there are a number of drivers that think they can pass you on the left.

The third episode happened two days ago. I was pulling in with my SUV and another SUV decided to pass me on the left. I would have no part of that as it's my right of way, signals on. 

The police just say you have to check your mirrors or look over the shoulder. I realize that, but it's still not what is taught. The SUV passed me after hitting his brakes to a squeal, then honked at me.

I honked at them and got the finger. 

Other times when this has happened, smaller cars just hit the gas to try and pass me before I turned.

I live on a street with schools on both ends. There is a sign saying speed cameras coming soon, which is fine but it still won't stop ignorance.

Stan Weisbeker