BradfordToday and InnisfilToday welcome letters to the editor at [email protected] or via the website. Please include your full name, daytime phone number and address (for verification of authorship, not publication). The following letter is in response to an article titled 'Neighbours 'adamant' music festival on rural farm 'entirely inappropriate',' published Aug. 17.
Are there no benefits to be had with the proposed 2025 Lit Galaxy Festival near Duncan for the region?
What about benefits to tourism and the local economy, and appreciation to The Blue Mountains area?
Gee, if this kind of overthinking of negative consequences and liability issues were present before the famed, iconic ’60s music festival of Woodstock was to take place, Woodstock would never have happened.
Sure, we’re living in a different era, etc., etc., but really, where can folks with an adventurous spirit, love for the outdoors, and passion for music played at an outdoor venue go these days?
I was just a kid when Woodstock happened and couldn’t experience it. As a music and nature lover, I would jump at the chance to participate in a spectacular, outdoor music party, like the one proposed for the Duncan farm property.
Does everything these days have to be so over-regulated and tightly controlled? Where is people’s sense of fun anymore?
Sarah E. Martin
New Tecumseth