BradfordToday and InnisfilToday welcome letters to the editor at [email protected] or via the website. Please include your full name, daytime phone number and address (for verification of authorship, not publication). The following is in response to a letter about Ontario increasing the cost of the electricity it sells to the United States, published March 11.
With all respect to Mr. Abernethy, it is sad to hear that he, and likely many others, have surrendered to the lack of responsiveness among elected politicians.
Whatever form of election you personally prefer, once in office it is the role of representatives to “represent”. This means acting in the best interest of all constituents — supporters and detractors alike. It also means, once elected, a “politician” becomes a “representative”.
You may disagree with the decisions made by a representative and your option is to vote in the subsequent election for a different delegate. You may also call out an elected official for failing to actively listen and act in the best interests of all constituents.
Being in the public eye means being exposed to discussion and criticism. Most folks know I don’t hold off on that.
In the case of Mr. Abernethy’s letter, I disagree. Despite the clear failings of Mr. Ford in Ontario, his action of placing “pain” on the Americans to the south of us is spot on. It should be 100 per cent surcharge on electricity.
I am an ex-pat American. Most Americans are decent people, hug babies, work hard, and help in the soup kitchen. But they are woefully myopic and cannot see beyond their local Walmart.
The actions of he-who-shall-not-be-named have opened a Pandora’s box exhibiting the worst aspects of the USA and given permission for latent biases, animosity, and racism to surface unfettered. The simple fact that the leader chosen by that population is determined to “annex” a sovereign country should say all. Blow the whistle. There must be penalties.
The only consequences a schoolyard bully understands is quick, firm, responsive action. In this sense, Mr. Ford has followed the script of the PM and taken action on behalf of his constituents (us). He has sent a solid message back to the voters in the USA. That message needs to be strong and no-nonsense for them to “get it”.
I have relatives in the USA. I have friends in the USA. Most of them did not vote for he-who-shall-not-be-named. But they, too, need to see that strong arm threats and bullying will be met with a strong response. They need that sense of support in order to bring down the tyrant they’re stuck with.
I’m an ex-pat who just learned the meaning of “elbows up”. And it’s the only response that will get their attention.
Next — Gloves off.
Dennis Rizzo
Editor's note: This letter was written prior to the Ontario government suspending an electricity export surcharge on March 11, 2025.