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LETTER: We are being exploited by government, business leaders

'We need openness and honesty from our leaders ... We need to demand accountability now,' laments letter writer

BradfordToday and InnisfilToday welcome letters to the editor at [email protected] or via the website. Please include your full name, daytime phone number and address (for verification of authorship, not publication). 

Overpriced luxury boxes and tickets. Overpriced food and drink. First-class air travel and accommodation. Never ending tax concessions.

All this while the majority of Canadians cannot afford accommodation, food, vehicles or other forms of transportation to get to work, post-secondary education. And now they are coming after universal healthcare. This is leadership? No, it is exploitation of the majority of Canadians.

Our economy needs a change in direction so that it works for the majority of Canadians. The books need to be opened. All the books, not just the ones our supposed leaders want us to see.

Business and government. We need to expose how much of our money is leaving our economy into off shore tax havens. How much the rich are not paying in tax. Money we are forced to make up.

We need openness and honesty from our leaders. They need to be held accountable. Jobs, housing. Food. Healthcare. These are our rights, not a gift from the rich at their discretion. We need to demand accountability now.

Too many honest Canadians are suffering. And our children deserve better. They will suffer the most if things do not change soon.

Rick Lockman