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Barrie Garden Club looks to grow membership

Gardening knowledge not required for those who want to join club, which meets at Army, Navy and Air Force Club on Morrow Road
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Stumped on what to stuff into the stocking of your perennial favourite?

Consider a membership to the Barrie Garden Club (BGC), a welcoming environment for those looking for inspiration, knowledge and networking with like-minded people.

Prior gardening knowledge is not a requirement; merely enthusiasm and curiosity for best gardening practices. This is a gift that keeps on giving.

For an annual fee of $20 (or $5 per meeting), the gardener in your family has access to monthly meetings offering invited speakers, which in 2024 include such diverse experts as Douglas Tallamy, a professor in the department of entomology and wildlife ecology at the University of Delaware and author of Nature’s Best Hope; Benjamin Vogt, author of Prairie Up: An Introduction to Natural Garden Design (these first two via Zoom); and Kristen Martyn of Wild Birds Unlimited in Barrie, who will be speaking about backyard birds.

The BGC offers a field trip, spring and fall flower shows, as well as a number of local initiatives that help beautify the community. Consider volunteering at the community garden, the rooftop garden atop the downtown Barrie Public Library, historical Fort Willow pioneer garden or highway cleanup.

Additionally, BGC celebrates its 150th anniversary in 2024. Party planning has begun.

Venue is the Army, Navy and Air Force Club 52 Morrow Rd., in Barrie. Meetings are the first Tuesday of every month, except July and August, beginning at 7 p.m. Coffee, tea and sweets are included.

For more information about the BGC, see You can also find us on Facebook and Instagram.



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