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Garden sheds may soon blossom in Sandycove Acres

Spring is finally here, which means that garden sheds will be “sprouting” throughout the municipality – even in Sandycove Acres, where under the current Zoning Bylaw accessory buildings are not permitted

Spring is finally here, which means that garden sheds will be “sprouting” throughout the municipality – even in Sandycove Acres, where under the current zoning bylaw accessory buildings are not permitted.

There has been a “mini-explosion” of garden sheds and tool storage facilities popping up within Sandycove Acres retirement community, council was told on Wednesday night, even though the current zoning bylaw does not permit the sheds within the special community area.

To address the issue, Innisfil Council took the unusual step of introducing a Notice of Motion and voting on it during the same meeting.

The motion called on staff to report back on “modifications to the standards and provisions of the Zoning Bylaw 80-13 for properties zoned Residential Special Community (RSC) related to detached accessory structures, storage structures, on individual sites.”

Noting that there was some “urgency” to the action, with gardening season fast approaching, a two-thirds majority of council voted to over-ride the procedural bylaw, and vote on the Notice of Motion immediately.

The recommendation passed unanimously, with Coun. Carolyn Payne – a resident of Sandycove Acres – declaring a conflict and stepping away from the table.

Mayor Lynn Dollin noted that talks have been underway with staff, stakeholders, and Parkbridge, which operates Sandycove, to find a solution for the adult lifestyle community.  

Parkbridge does provide communal sheds, which can be rented by residents of the community - but many would prefer the convenience of a shed closer to their homes. 


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