After a two year delay due to Covid-19, the Steam, Auto, Gas & Antiques Inc. show relaunched over the Civic Long Weekend at the club’s property just west of downtown Cookstown.
The 2022 show featured Rumely Products and Oil Pull farm tractors.
This show was dedicated to the McCabe family who were one of the founding members and great supporters of this event.
InnisfilToday spoke with Gary Frampton the show's president.
"Our attendance has been good and it’s on par with what we expected. The new Heavy Pull event was very well attended as was the Tractor Pull. Our Pancake Breakfast from 8-10 a.m. daily was a big hit with everyone," he said.
Frampton’s team was well supported by many volunteers as well as directors and club executives.
Many people have a misconception that this show only appeals to older adults but it offers something for everyone.
Camping was available with accommodations on the show grounds and the show included a flea market, food vendors, live stage entertainment, pancake breakfasts, agricultural demonstrations, talent contests, vehicle and machinery parade, horseshoe tournament, log sawing and nail driving demonstrations, steamed corn (cooked with a steam engine), a full range of steam and wood burning tractors with many over a hundred years old and much more.
In visiting some of the big event barns, InnisfilToday found many demonstrations such as the Huronia Spinners Guild from Midhurst, Ontario. Sandra Judge the coordinator of this guild said she was very pleased with the attendance and the interest by many of the attendees.
Beside the large outdoor tent where people could eat or get coverage from the hot sun was the stage for the outdoor entertainment.
On Sunday morning Donna and Friends sang gospel music followed by Eastern Storm with Jerry Lush, and ending each evening with a talent show.