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Innisfil summer camp programs go virtual to offer real fun

From virtual escape rooms, to Camp in a Box crafts and activities, there are many options for local families

The cancellation of summer day camp programs due to COVID-19 was “one of the most difficult decisions we had to make,” said Innisfil Mayor Lynn Dollin.

It was difficult not only on the camp counsellors who found summer employment with the town, but the families who relied on the affordable programs to keep their kids actively engaged during the summer.

“But in true Innisfil tradition, we have adapted,” Mayor Dollin said.

The Town has introduced Virtual Camp programs, including ‘Camp in a Box.’

Jodi Longland, Recreation Co-ordinator, described three virtual programs being offered this July and August for children ages 6 to 13.

Virtual Camp provides “our typical outdoor camp, brought to you virtually,” Longland said. It is a half-day program from 9 a.m. to noon, that includes online group activities, crafts and sing-alongs led by counsellors. Cost to participate is $75 per week.

Programs are delivered via Zoom, which means that participants need a device that has a camera and can download the free Zoom app.

Then there’s Camp in a Box. Not really virtual, it’s an actual box filled with activities, games, crafts, songs: “All those things that we typically would do at camp, all thrown into one box,” said Longland.

There’s a different theme each week, from Rainbow Crafts to Adventureland, Buggin’ Out and Welcome to Hollywood. Contents include complete instructions, contact numbers if help is needed, and “lots of goodies each week.”

Each Camp in a Box is only $40 and can be ordered online, to be picked up every week at the Innisfil Farmers’ Market, Innisfil Town Hall or, beginning July 30, Friday Harbour Resort. Alternative pick-up locations can be arranged.

The boxes have been proving popular with parents, babysitters, cottage-goers - and grandparents, looking for ways to entertain the grandkids this summer.

The third Virtual program is a partnership with Brain Chase, offering virtual Escape Room adventures for kids ages 6 to 13, for $145 per week.

As Town staff explained, “the participants will work through puzzle rooms, each full of clues to the location of missing artifacts. Town of Innisfil Camp counsellors lead the participants through three learning challenges each week, based on specific topics (such as) cooking, yoga, art, engineering” – with songs, games and spirit days thrown in for a full week of summer camp fun.

“We are excited to see that the Camp in a Box program in particular has been a major success, providing our youth with lots of great activities to be creative and active this summer,” said Longland.

“It has got us really thinking differently about the ways we can offer unique programs to kids.”

Camp in a Box is likely to continue, “even post-COVID,” she said. “We’re also happy to report that plans are underway to offer a Fall Programs Guide that will offer a blend of virtual and in-person programs, so stay tuned for that!”

For more information, click here.


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