The Stevenson Memorial Hospital Foundation (SMHF) received a generous pledge donation towards the Because of you, we can Capital Campaign from a family who are longtime supporters of Stevenson Memorial Hospital (SMH). Sue Leach and David Green have pledged $50,000 to the Capital Campaign, and today presented their first pledge instalment to SMHF.
"The Leach Family has a long history of supporting Stevenson Memorial Hospital,” says Sue Leach. “We are happy we can continue that relationship with our commitment to the Because of you, we can Campaign,” she adds. “We recognize that local, accessible health care is key to a vibrant, thriving community and we are pleased to be able to support the Hospital and the Hospital Foundation.”
In October 2019 the SMH Foundation launched a $43 million Capital Campaign Because of you, we can in support of the Hospital’s redevelopment project, as well as critical equipment and technology upgrades. Of their goal, $30 million represents the community share of the funds required to be raised for the $167 million project. The Hospital relies on the support of the community for enhancements to infrastructure, equipment and technology, as the government does not provide annual funding for these critical needs.
David and Sue will also be including a bequest to the SMHF in their wills, creating a meaningful and lasting legacy in the future.
“Bequests and legacy giving are great examples of how individuals and families can support the future of our Hospital and the generations that will be accessing it,” says Tanya Wall, Executive Director, SMHF. “I thank Sue and Dave for their ongoing support of the SMHF. Today’s gift will help us reach our Campaign goal and their bequest will support the future needs of SMH and our community.”
SMH’s redevelopment project includes a revitalized Emergency Department, doubling the square footage of the Hospital and tripling the amount of parking space. Refreshed outpatient rooms, birthing suites and laboratory space are also included in the plans. For more information about the capital campaign, how you can donate or become involved as a volunteer/campaign cabinet member, please visit
To find out more about how you can contribute to the future of SMH through a gift in your will, please contact Tanya Wall, Executive Director, SMHF at (705) 435-6281 ext. 3209.