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Letters to the Editor

LETTER: School boards need to stop 'reckless spending'

LETTER: School boards need to stop 'reckless spending'

Money spent on hotel accommodations 'could be better spent on hiring more teachers,' says letter writer
LETTER: Calling consumption site closures 'a death sentence' not an exaggeration

LETTER: Calling consumption site closures 'a death sentence' not an exaggeration

'Dead people cannot benefit from rehab,' says Dr. Jeff Shantz
LETTER: We are being exploited by government, business leaders

LETTER: We are being exploited by government, business leaders

'We need openness and honesty from our leaders ... We need to demand accountability now,' laments letter writer
LETTER: Drivers need to re-learn rules of the road

LETTER: Drivers need to re-learn rules of the road

Reader tired of people trying to pass on the left while he's pulling into his driveway
LETTER: Consider joining school council, reader urges

LETTER: Consider joining school council, reader urges

'Research continues to reinforce that parent involvement in a child’s education improves their child’s academic performance,' Innisfil resident says
LETTER: Festival would be good for tourism, local economy

LETTER: Festival would be good for tourism, local economy

'Does everything these days have to be so over-regulated and tightly controlled? Where is people’s sense of fun anymore?' asks letter writer
LETTER: Politicians 'seem mainly worried about themselves'

LETTER: Politicians 'seem mainly worried about themselves'

'For over 40 years, elected politicians have promoted food banks instead of developing policies that would allow people to live an enjoyable life out of poverty,' says letter writer
LETTER: With good comes some negatives in children's use of technology

LETTER: With good comes some negatives in children's use of technology

Ignoring the benefits isn't the way to go, but it's also possible to spend unecesary time on phones
LETTER: Time to bring back community crime prevention programs

LETTER: Time to bring back community crime prevention programs

'With increased vigilance, our city will be a safer place to live,' says letter writer
LETTER: Group right to cancel Indian Independence Day event

LETTER: Group right to cancel Indian Independence Day event

'It is disrespectful to the Indian flag and the Indian community to fly it below the Innisfil town flag,' says letter writer